
SC Series Construction Hoist / K Type

SC Series Construction Hoist / M Type

◆ Adopting worm and gear reduction box with steady operation.
◆ Adopting phosphorization,immersion paint,hot galvanizing,corrosion protection,electrophoresis and other new process to make main parts.
◆ Adopting side hung ground access door.
◆ Equipped with fault automatic diagnosis,display and alarm system and variable-frequency speed control system.

SCQ Series Tilting Hoist

◆ This product is applicable to tower-type or tilting buildings such as bridge,chimney,mining and power plant.

◆ Adopting Q345 high quality steel to make main parts and going through phosphorization,immersion paint,hot galvanizing,corrosion protection,electrophoresis and other new process.

◆ Tilting adjustment mechanism for cage is a patented product.

◆ Tilting angle can be freely adjusted according to actual need.

◆ Equipped with variable-frequency speed control system.

SCP Series Construction Lifting Platform

◆ Driving principle os basically same as that of building hoist.

◆ Its main parts,such as mast section,gear and rack,all can be exchanged with those of building hoist.

◆ A variety of combinations of platform length and width,with strong applicability,convenient to install,dismantle and move.

◆ Equipped with manual sliding device and anti-incline protector.

◆ Large working plane of working platform,good view,high comfort level,and high production efficiency and safety performance.

◆ Widely applicable to construction,storage,plant curtain wall decoration and ornament ,as ideal equipment for vertical transportation and construction operation.

    1. 主站蜘蛛池模板: 沂水县| 阳西县| 临湘市| 聂拉木县| 望奎县| 左权县| 开阳县| 潜江市| 广德县| 潞西市| 隆子县| 绥化市| 张北县| 修文县| 曲沃县| 尉氏县| 江永县| 精河县| 平度市| 桂阳县| 黔西县| 九台市| 科技| 锡林浩特市| 琼海市| 常州市| 定襄县| 太谷县| 司法| 桐城市| 平武县| 垦利县| 沁阳市| 长海县| 岱山县| 祁阳县| 蓝山县| 洛扎县| 益阳市| 德保县| 湟源县|